The First day of Preschool went very well and the children are off to a good start. It will take a few weeks before the children are in a good routine, However they are already showing positive results.
Septembers theme is ALL ABOUT ME!
Week 1-Things we do at school
Week 2-All about me
Week 3-Everyone has a name
Week 4-We all have a Family
Week 5-Month review (this was not included on the newsletter)
*Always remind your child to use the handrail when going up and down the stairs. Safety for the children comes first. *Le me know if someone other that mom and dad is picking up your child. If you have already done this there is no need to do it again. Bare with me untill I match faces of Parents to the children. *Show and Tell is every Friday.
September 7th there will be no class for Labor day
October 5th - 9th we will be out of school for spud harvest.
*Remember if you have any questions please give me a call at anytime. Phone #'s are on the magnet given to you at registration. You can pick up another magnet if needed.
Thank you again for giving me the opportunity to teach your children! ;)
Mrs. Hunter